We're nearing the end. And pending some horrible Latin American-style manufactured crisis, George W. Bush will soon cease to be the President-elect of this crazy clusterfuck of a country I ignorantly call Ooosa. With only less than five months until Bush fucks off to some ranch in who-gives-a-fuck Texas, I'm tempted to quit work, ingest a number of controlled substances and fuck like Caligula, but... the prospect of Senator Crazy Pants and his Magical Alaskan Baby Factory winning the election would kill any primal sexual urges I could manage after mixing barbiturates, turpentine and the closest approximation to Meth you can make with a child's chemistry set.
So welcome to Found Artifacts of the Bush Regime. If I was I trying to impress you, I'd say the goal of this blog was to examine how culture and politics have intersected in the last eight years, with a special emphasis on cultural artifacts that reflected and/or critiqued the socio-political circumstances of a country so thoroughly mouth-raped by the powers in charge that (for a while) it stopped crying and started begging for more.
Too soon?
In all honesty? Yeah, probably. Bush's term isn't even finished, so yes, it's too soon to try and definitively understand how culture has morphed and reconfigured itself these last eight years. But these are strange times we're living in. Strange, horrible, smelly times: A terrorist attack, one war, another war, natural disasters that would make Roland Emmerich wet, malevolence masquerading as incompetence, and if you're bored, well shit son, just close your eyes and if you're good, in the morning we'll have complete economic collapse.
Point being, we've seen some shit in these eight years and it's messed with our heads. Let's take stock now, because as soon as Bush is gone, the first thing we're going to do: is forget about the fucker. And that would be downright tragic.
So having exhausted my profanity limit for the post, below you will find a non-comprehensive list of works I hope to tackle:
• Children of Men
• “American Idiot” by Green Day
• That’s My Bush!
• Ex Machina
• "Arrested Development"
• "Wonder Showzen"
• Fernando Botero’s “Abu Graib paintings”
• “Invaders!” by Douglas Edric Stanley
• DC 9/11: Time of Crisis
• "Shooting War" by Anthony Lappe & Dan Goldman
• "Revolutionary Volumes I & II" by Immortal Technique
More to come as I think of them. In closing I'll leave you with this: